Foredragsholdere Overflate 2019
Henriette Skarpeid, from Søgne (the happy southern part of Norway) currently living in Porsgrunn, where she works at Norner. She has an M.Sc in Industrial Chemistry and Biotechnology from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) specializing in materials technology. Henriette has worked at Norner for 2.5 years, where she mainly works with mechanical testing on different materials aging and qualification testing of coatings. She is quality responsibility for coating testing related to ISO 17025 accreditation.
Senior Principal Engineer, DNV GL
Mr. Frode Wiggen has been working within Integrity Management of oil and gas installation since 1990. Throughout this period, he has contributed in development of national and international standards and guidelines within inspection management of topside containment systems. During the last years, he has specialized within Corrosion Under Insulation and been technical lead on the development of a new methodology for risk management of CUI. This methodology is described in DNVGL RP G109 rev. 2019. During his career, he has delivered consultancy services within integrity management for most upstream oil and gas operators in the North Sea. He has been working for DNV GL since 1997, former emlopyments include ConocoPhillips and Oceaneering.
Senior Scientist, SINTEF
Ole Øystein Knudsen is Senior Scientist at SINTEF, where he has been working with corrosion, corrosion protection and surface treatment since 1998. He received his MSc in chemistry from NTH in 1990 and his PhD in materials technology from NTNU in 1998. Since 2008 he is Adjunct Professor at NTNU, teaching and supervising students in coating technology.
Integrity Supervisor, Vår Energi AS
Døble er bygningsingeniør og er cand. mag fra Universitetet i Oslo, i tillegg korrosjonsfag fra NTH. Jobbet 18 år i forskjellige Aker Kværner bedrifter. Begynte i Eni Norge i 2008 med ansvar for material teknologi og korrosjon. Eni Norge og Point Resources slo seg sammen til Vår Energi i desember 2018 og han er nå leder av «Integrity» avdelingen. Denne avdelingen har ansvar for den tekniske integriteten relatert til trykkpåsatt utsyr og struktur
Senior Manager, Technical Service ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation
Søren Nyborg Rasmussen - Senior Manager, Technical Service ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation (a division of ROCKWOOL International A/S) Hedehusene, Denmark. As chemical engineer by background, Søren brings more than 30 years of experience from the global Marine, Offshore and Process industries specializing in insulation and protective coatings.
Chlor-Rid Business Manager, Borchers
Andrew Recker is currently employed as Business Manager for the ClorRid division of Borchers America. He has a Bachelor of Science, an MBA, and is currently finishing a Masters of Science in Polymer/Chemical Engineering from North Carolina State University. Over the past 15 years he has been working in the lab as a chemist for various companies such as AkzoNobel and BASF. Most of the development work he was conducting was focused on corrosion resistance whether in the form of a coating of passivation treatment. He is currently involved in doing research on surface preparation prior to high performance coating application and novel approaches to corrosion resistance enhancement. Over the past 15 years he has had many ideas filed for patent applications with several still pending. Also, Andrew has recently become more involved with specification and standard writing through organizations such as ISO and NACE.
Senior Chemist, Hempel A/S
Rifnur Latipov holds an MSc degree in Chemical Engineering from Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and has been employed by Hempel A/S (Copenhagen area) since March 2016. During his studies he carried out a number of projects with Hempel A/S, primarily in the field of fouling release coatings. Currently he holds a position as Senior Chemist in the Technology and Innovation group of R&D and is responsible for technical lead in new technology product development projects. His responsibilities include new product development in the field of protective coatings and investigation of new technologies and innovation related to paint testing and development.
Senior Engineer, Aker BP
Gøran Holten er utdannet sivilingeniør i kjemi fra NTNU og har en Master of Management fra BI. Innehar FROSIO sertifikat for Overflate og Isolasjon. Har jobbet 12 år med utvikling og korrosjonstesting av antikorrosive malinger hos Jotun, både som ingeniør og avdelingsleder for Primer-gruppen. Har jobbet 4 år i Statoil som Oppgaveansvarlig ISO og som SR på ISO-kontrakter. Siden 2015 ansatt i exBP Norge og nå Aker BP som Senior ingeniør Overflate og Isolasjon / Teknisk autoritet ISO.
Leading Engineer Materials Technology, Equinor
Sidsel Widerøe, fra Sandvika utenfor Oslo, jobber for tiden på Johan Castberg (Equinor) og er ansvarlig for alt som har med isolasjon å gjøre. Widerøe er sivilingeniør fra Trondheim, NTNU, fra Berg B (materialteknologi). Jobbet i 20 år med engineering innenfor materialteknologi og korrosjon hos Aker, Aibel og Equinor samt 10 år med diverse oppgaver innen prosjektgjennomføring, Greenfieldprosjekter. Hun har jobbet for Equinor siden 2011 der hun i tillegg til jobben på Castberg er teknisk ansvarlig for oppgaver relatert til isolasjon i Equinor. Hun har stillingstittel Leading Engineer Materials Technology.
Application Engineer, Graco
Mariusz Zycki is an application engineer with 25 years of experience, working for the High Performance Coatings & Foam Division at Graco. He is responsible for equipment demonstrations, technical supprt, distributor development and sales support for vapor blasting and 2K paint applications. Mariusz is Frosio lev III certified and has a bachelor degree in engineering, specialised in anticorrosion protection technology, graduated at the University of Technology in Gdansk. He is a member of the Polish Corrosion Society. He specialises lay in 1K & 2K Airless Spraying Equipment, Dry and wet blasting technologies and Ultra High Pressure Water Jetting.
Daglig leder, Valhall NGP
Trond Soltvedt har over 30 års erfaring fra industrimalerfaget og fikk tidlig både fagbrev og FROSIO. Han har en bred erfaring, først som operatør og deretter ledererfaring fra flere ulike nivå, både nasjonalt og internasjonalt. Trond er i dag daglig leder i Vallhall NGP, Miras Elektro og i Grotnes Steel. I tillegg har han flere styrelederverv både innen industri og veldedig arbeid. Trond er også styreleder i FROSIO.
Administrerende Direktør, StS gruppen
Ingrid Solheim er Administrerende Direktør i StS gruppen. Hun har hatt flere ulike stillinger i selskapet, og har jobbet både i prosjekt, administrasjon og ledelse. Flere ulike tillitsverv i arbeidsgiverorganisasjoner. Blant annet styreleder i Korrosjonsentreprenørenes forening, styremedlem i Korrosjon, Isolasjon og Stilasentreprenørenes forening (KIS), styreleder i Norsk Industri Vestlandet, i representantskapet til Norsk Industri og er delegat til generalforsamlingen i NHO. I tillegg til valgkomiteen til FROSIO og i KIS sitt arbeidsutvalg for et ansvarlig arbeidsliv. Ingrid er opptatt av at vi skal ha et seriøst og ansvarlig arbeidsliv i Norge og synes det er viktig at StS som en stor arbeidsgiver engasjerer seg i dette arbeidet.
Industrial PhD student, Wood
Karoline is an industrial PhD student on corroded strength and assessment of aged steel structures. Working locations for her employer Wood includes Sandefjord and Bergen in addition to Hamburg with association to TUHH. In her work she has conducted experiments with laser scanning, tensile tests and digital image correlation. Involvement in more than 100 000 UTM on 5 ageing semisubmersibles inspires her work on spatial and temporal corrosion prediction as well as RBI. Karoline is also engaged in a joint industry project on digitalization where her main interests are reverse engineering, additive manufacturing, new business models and sharing of data.
R&D Chemist, Jotun A/S
Andreas Løken is an R&D Chemist at Jotun A/S working with testing and documentation of coatings for the marine and protective segments. This basically means testing all kinds of coatings and coating systems, often to their brink of destruction, both to qualify systems for various specifications and standards, but also to further develop our understanding of coating degradation. He holds an MSc. and Ph.D. in Materials Chemistry from the University of Oslo (2011 and 2017 respectively), and is currently using his academic background in electrochemistry in developing alternative characterization methods for coating degradation and corrosion.
Teknisk fagansvarlig overflate, Beerenberg Services
Tom Sørensen er fra Bergen og har jobbet med maling hele sitt yrkesaktive liv. Først i bygg og anlegg hvor han var 10 år før han gikk over til industri i 2013, samme året tok han FROSIO for overflate. Videre startet han med etterutdanning som iso-ingeniør ved Bergen Tekniske Fagskole i 2015 mens han jobbet som operatør offshore, fullførte dette i 2018, samme året som han ble hentet av Beerenberg Services. Tom jobber daglig med kvalitetsstyring, adopsjon av ny teknologi, prosjektstøtte og prosessbygging.
Investor, Chairman & Consultant, Mowin
Morten Walde (1969) er Diplomøkonom fra Handelshøyskolen BI, med tilleggsutdanning innen Administrativ Informasjonsbehandling fra Universitetet i Bergen. Han har i dag virke som investor, styrerepresentant og rådgiver. Walde har til sammen 25 års erfaring fra olje & gass, hvorav 10 år som Konsernsjef i oljeserviceselskapet Beerenberg (2008-2018). Han har i løpet av sin operative karriere også holdt en rekke tillitsverv innen olje- og gassbransjen.
Advokat/Partner, Advokatfirmaet Hammervoll Pind AS
Lars Kristian Wulff Myklebust er advokat og partner i Advokatfirmaet Hammervoll Pind. Han har bred foretningsjuridisk erfaring og arbeider hovedsakelig med bistand til klienter innen offshore og maritim industri. Han har tidligere erfaring fra Equinor, hvor han blant annet arbeidet med styring av forsyningskjeder og ledelse av rammeavtaler for vedlikehold og modifikasjoner. Ut over å gi løpende juridisk bistand i offshoreprosjekter knyttet til tolkning og anvendelse av kontraktens reguleringer, har han også hatt utpreget fokus på prosjektgjennomføring og forbedringsinitiativer med tanke på økt lønnsomhet i prosjekter. Han har inngående kjennskap til norsk leverandørindustri og de praktiske problemstillinger som regelmessig gjør seg gjeldende for industrien.
Specialist Engineer Insulation, Aker Solutions
Sladjana Evensen has been working in Aker Solutions since 1998. In 2007 she started working with Piping and equipment insulation and has ever since dedicated her professional career to this subject. Sladjana's main field of expertise is engineering of insulation systems, multidiscipline coordination, follow up of mechanical packages, and inspection activities. She is an active member of Aker Solutions insulation team where development and competence stands highly in focus. Sladjana has a Bachelor degree in Construction technology from Oslo Metropolitan University.
Senior Engineer Materials Technology, Aker Solutions
Irene Hove has been working with insulation in Aker Solutions since 2015, mainly with insulation strategy and multidiscipline coordination in addition to insulation of equipment packages. She has M.Sc Physical Metallurgy from NTH in 1990 and Bachelor of Business administration from BI in 2013. Before she started with insulation she worked with Material technology in Aker Solutions and SINTEF.
Senior Principal Scientist, DNV GL
Erik Stensrud is Senior Principal Scientist in DNV GL and Adjunct Professor of Strategy and Digitalisation at BI Norwegian Business School. He holds a PhD in informatics from the University of Oslo, an MSc in petroleum economics from The French Petroleum Institute and an MSc in applied physics from NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology). At present, he manages an R&D project, financed by the Norwegian Research Council, on autonomous drones for inspection of closed compartments. He is also conducting research on the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in safety critical applications, notably autonomous ships.
Leading Advisor Surface Protection and Polymers, Equinor ASA
Frode Andres Kvilhaug has a master's degree within polymer chemistry from the Norwegian University of Science and technology from 1996. He has 11 years' experience from the paint industry, working at Jotun AS and approximately 12 years' experience working with coatings and other polymer-based materials in the oil and energy industry, working at Bjørge Norcoat (now Beerenberg) and Equinor. His functional experience includes research and development, technical sales, project management, innovation responsibility, material discipline advisor and leading advisor within polymer materials and surface treatment.
Project Manager, YourSolutions Engineering Co., Ltd. (TWN)
Entering this field since 2012, Damien Liao has started as a field engineer to becoming a project manager now, and kept providing package maintenance service to clients in petrochemical industry in Taiwan with YOURSOLUTIONS team. From majoring in medical-related subjects in college, he is meant to think our of the box by nature, and endeavouring to integrate beyond. He is also a NACE training course translator in Taiwan. And looking forward to cooperate with professionals of different expertise and come up with better solutions to help clients in all-win situations.
President, YourSolutions Engineering Co., Ltd. (TWN)
Paul Lai is a certified NACE LEVEL II Coating Inspector and also a NACE training course translator in Taiwan. In 2013, he established his anti-corrosion service branch, YOURSOLUTIONS, with the advantage of the bolster from his own scaffolding company, the largest scaffolding supplier in Taiwan. Most refineries, petrochemical factories and power plants in the island are its customers. YOURSOLUTIONS now is one of the major consulting firm and total solution provider of corrosion problem in Taiwan.
Technical Sales Consultant, AVEVA
Himanshu is a Technical Sales Consultant for AVEVA with 14 years of industry experience. He has been helping clients in their digitisation journey to enable Digital Twin with the power of Visualisation, Aggregation, Asset life cycle, Performance Management and virtualisation of various other IoT applications. In the past he has worked in various roles of software industry that include Technical Sales, project management, business consulting & software development.
Partner, Rystad Energy
Markus is partner with Rystad Energy. Markus Nævestad's expertise lies within oilfield services, including market strategy development, competitor analysis and company screening. Markus also has broad experience within E&P strategy analysis, including value creation analysis, competitor benchmarking, asset/company target screening and more. He has vast experience in working with private equity companies and oilfield service companies in strategic and commercial due diligence process, both locally and globally. He holds a M.Sc. in Industrial Mathematics from NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), with specialisation in statistics, including work experience on risk analysis aimed at the oil industry.
Director Global Fireproofing, Carboline Company
Qualified as Mechanical engineer, Mike has worked worldwide in the Passive Fire Protection industry since 1986. Initially he was associated with Epoxy Intumescent products and the offshore industry. Since 2006 he has also had responsibility for Lightweight Cementacious Fire Protection. In these fields Mike has managed his companies supply and support activities for projects both onshore and offshore on 4 continents. Lately he has also been involved in some significant onshore commercial projects using similar technologies.
General Manager, FROSIO
Ole Stræte is the General Manager at FROSIO, an organization certifying inspectors of surface treatment and insulation. He has over 30 years' experience in the field of surface treatment and has worked within technical service and formulation for paint manufacturers. Prior to working at FROSIO, he was working as a Senior Advisor in the surface treatment group at Teknologisk Institutt AS, where a considerable time was spent teaching FROSIO courses.